OSIV uses what have become the standard commands for building open
source software packages, and thus should be relatively simple to
compile. Detailed instructions on how to compile OSIV may be found
in the Users Guide.
In order to compile OSIV, the following libraries must be installed to your system: TIFF library, the PNG library, and the FFTW library. Many distributions provide pre-built binaries for these libraries. If such packages are available for your operating system, then these should be preferred. Note, however, that these pre-built binaries rarely contain the header files that are required to compile (but not to run) programs that use these libraries. In order to compile OSIV, you may need to install a development package that contains these headers; such packages often carry the suffix "-dev" or "-devel." Source Code Tarballs Important: In previous versions of the OSIV Suite, the vector positions in the output were given using the same conventions as the grid parameters of the input. Specifically, positions were given in terms of the upper-left corner of the corresponding interrogation window. While this was the intended and documented behavior, it resulted in unnecessary confusion. Consequently, as of version 2.1.2, vector positions in the output are given in terms of the center of the corresponding interrogation window. The grid parameters continue to be specified in terms of the upper-left corner of the interrogation window. If you relied on the previous behavior, please update your scripts accordingly. |